Architecture by Studio Viktor Sørless and Estudio Juiñi , Renderings by bloomimages and bloomrealities


A climate change in the mind

Reimagining the stepped pyramid.
Reimagining the stepped pyramid. Sketch by Estudio Juiñi and SVS.
Photo by Steve Axford | via Flickr y SmugMug.
Photo by Steve Axford via Flickr.

Consulting in artistic conception and human development

Since 2020

Xinatli is an artistic initiative working for greater equity in ecology, art and society around the construction of a museum.

The envisioned museum Xinatli is grounded in the decision to contribute to an urgent climate change within the mind, utilizing art and aesthetic perception, an ecologically oriented way of building, and a cultural engagement with each other to help preserve the permanence of all life on our planet. Xinatli, is based on the terms Xinachtli from the Nahua language and describes the moment in which a seed germinates, growing into its life-giving form. The phrase symbolizes creation and honors the potential for metamorphosis.

In the upcoming years, Xinatli intents to promote artistic positions, especially works that address the threatening finitude of our planet, create ecological awareness, or fruitfully engage with the relationships humans, animals, and plants share.

Architecture by Estudio Juiñi and Studio Viktor Sørless, 2021.
Architecture Estudio Juiñi and Studio Viktor Sørless, 2021.
Architecture by Estudio Juiñi and Studio Viktor Sørless, 2021.
Architecture by Estudio Juiñi and Studio Viktor Sørless, 2021.

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